Railay Rock Climbing


(All these courses include drinking water, lunch & a free T-shirt)

2 DAYS COURSE   ( 6500 BAHT)aRRCS-web-pic-TT-fotos-0086z

Our 2 day lead climbing course is perfect for those people who wish to advance there

rock climbing skills to the next level. We will teach you everything so that you will

be able to go out and climb on your own safely . You will learn:

  • Belaying techniques
  • communication
  • rope work ( knots, clipping techniques, setting up a top rope after leading a route)
  • quickdraw placement
  • management of the placement of your feet and the rope while climbing
  • falling safely
  • self belay
  • rappelling


In our 3 day climbing course you will learn everything we do in the 2 day course

plus multi pitch climbing. Multi pitch climbing is one of the best experiences in

climbing. In addition to the 2 day course you will also learn:

  • multi pitch belaying
  • seconding a climb
  • leading a multi pitch
  • setting up a top belay
  • safely securing to the anchor
  • rappelling
  • general safety and communication on a climb

 PRIVATE GUIDES     (½ DAY 3500 BAHT) (1 DAY   5500 BAHT)


Our Private courses are great for climbers of all levels. We can

offer a more personalised fun climbing day for beginners. A refresh

for lead climbers. Or if your just after an experienced lead climbing

partner that will know all the routes.